Genres: Sound Effects , Door
Description: door open and close.
Genres: Sound Effects , Clunks
Description: stone on stone sliding,scraping, good for "and the stone was rolled away" or "secret passage" kind of stuff.
Genres: Sound Effects , Babies
Description: infant crying softly at first and then slowly erupting into full-blown meltdown.
Genres: Sound Effects , Footsteps - Outdoor
Description: footsteps walking,turning,slipping,stopping,running on dirt.
Genres: Sound Effects , Baby
Description: baby saying "dada" and cooing with a few breaths and excited outbursts over room tone.
Genres: Sound Effects , Laughs
Description: baby or child laughing hysterically (great for ringtone if you're pregnant).
Genres: Sound Effects , Doors General
Description: several small back and forth swingset creaks while swinging.
Genres: Sound Effects , Paper
Description: turning pages.
Genres: Sound Effects , Baby
Description: baby giggling,happily sighing without fully laughing.
Genres: Sound Effects , Forest and Jungle
Description: outdoor ambience with birds.