Description: Modern single prop plane close by. Fast. Stereo.

Description: WW2 vintage plane taking off with strong by. Stereo.

Description: WW2 prop plane long distant buzzing drone. Recording made from the ground. Some birds.

Description: Single prop plane. Modern Long drone in the distance. Stereo.

Description: Police helicopter passes by while circling. Stereo.

Description: Inside the cockpit of a WW2 single prop plane. Starts soft as plane begins to take off. Builds to a roar as it leaves the runway then steadies as it cruises in flight.

Description: Strong, well defined thwops coming closer and louder. Cuts off at touch down. Stereo.

Description: Razor sharp military quality helicopter blade spinning at a steady speed. Stereo.

Description: Older car or truck engine that won't catch. Nice spin down at tail.

Description: Distant traffic presence from a dynamic, bustling city. Stereo.

Sound Effects by Category