Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Gathering, live ambience, group of 30-50 family, kids, adults talking.. restaurant, dinner party..., stereo, , human voice.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Gathering, live ambience, group of 20-30 adults talking, intimate and close up..., stereo,.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Vendor, male, stadium vender, yelling, Peanuts.. cold drinks!, human voice speaking.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Gathering, group of 10-20, walla, laughing and talking in foreground and background, party, human voice.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Park, outdoor, 2 children playing and chasing each other, other children in distance, kids talking, laughing, giggling, yelling, screaming, running, some individual words, human voice.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Doctor, male: This might hurt a little, medical, hospital, doctors office, medical, human voice speaking.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Gathering, group of 5-10, walla, laughing and talking in foreground and background, human voice.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Miscellaneous, male, What have you got in your mouth?..., human voice speaking.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Fight, large group of children yelling,& screaming, fight, fight to encourage a fight already in progress, human voice, kids.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Miscellaneous
Description: Rowdy, Group of 10-15 children playing loudly indoor, human voice, kids, boys & girls,stereo.