Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: zonovox.
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: Countdown sound effect: from 10 down to 0. With adding sounds effects -as explodes, drum hits, strange and ambient FX! Very creative sound with robotic computer voice and transition motion effects! Very powerful and expressive sound!
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: Countdown sound effect: from 10 down to 0. With adding sounds effects -as explodes, drum hits, strange and ambient FX! Very creative sound with robotic computer voice and transition motion effects! Very powerful and expressive sound!
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: Alien, Robot, Android, Cyborg: Alien Language Sci Fi & Computer Voices
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: zonovox.
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: Countdown sound effect: from 10 down to 0. With adding sounds effects -as explodes, drum hits, strange and ambient FX! Very creative sound with robotic computer voice and transition motion effects! Very powerful and expressive sound!
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: Alien, Robot, Android, Cyborg: English Words-10; 9; Etc. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, Accelerating, Accelerate, Alert, Alien Vessel, And, Approaching, Asteroid, Com Sci Fi & Computer Voices
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: Countdown from ten to zero in robotic voice.
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: zonovox.
Genres: Sound Effects , Robotic voices
Description: zonovox.