Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Cable Car: Ext: Pass By With Bell; Bells, Trams & Streetcars
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Cable Car Power House: Constant Motor Hum; Trams & Streetcars
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Ext: Bell Clanging Trams & Streetcars
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Cable Car, San Francisco, Passing Overhead.
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Cable Car Barn, W Slow Turning Machinery, Squeaky Wheels, Warning Buzzer.
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Sound of: noisy tramway passing through crossing
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Sound of: New type street car in city traffic
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Cable Car, San Francisco, By With Bell At Head, Long Out.
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: Sound of railway tram departyreUsable in foleyDistance: mid closeAcoustic: field
Genres: Sound Effects , Cable Cars
Description: A recording of an interior of Trebevic cable car recorded in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.