Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper Filter Buzz Swell Production Element Imaging Element Accent Transition.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper High Buzz Production Element Imaging Element Accent Transition.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper Sputter Out Start Up Production Element Imaging Element Accent Transition.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper Zap Delay Production Element Imaging Element Accent Transition.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper Short Reverse Reverb Production Element Imaging Element Accent Transition.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper Muffled Helicopter Drone with Flange.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper High Frequency Digital Helicopter Wash.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper Large Laser Fire with Tremolo, Wash.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper High Frequency Digital Helicopter Shutdown with Distortion.
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Chopper
Description: Chopper Helicopter Shutdown with LFE.