Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Description: Sound of a waiting room in a doctors surgery with phones ringing footsteps voices and general ambiance. Ideal for projects that require this type of sound effect.
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Description: Sphygmomanometer 1; Velcro Strap / Hand Pump Inflate ( Crackle ) / Deflate / Velcro Off, Close Perspective. Hospital.
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Description: MRI Test .3 Guass Loop.
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Description: Lab Ambience; Test Machinery 2; Large Room; Fan / Motor, Air Releases, Servos, Beeps, Computer Keyboard Entry / Printing; Medium Perspective. Hospital, Lab.
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Description: Polygraph Readout; Polygraph Machine; Switch On / Clatter / Grinding / Switch Off, Close Perspective. Chart Recorder.
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Description: Dentist Suction Tube Sucking Water Out Of Mouth, X4.
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Description: I.V. Infusion Pump Alert; I.V. Infusion Pump Alert; Two-tone Warning Bell ( Sounds Like Car Seat belt Warning ), Close Perspective. Hospital.
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Genres: Sound Effects , Hospitals
Description: Hospital Pa; Short Announcement, From Next Room.