Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Solo - Piano. Dreamily floating along on a wonderful feeling of goodness. A light ensemble carries a classy piano expressing happy thoughts. Full Mix.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Solo - Piano. Ethereal voices shroud a cold piano feel that resolves to harmony eventually. Full Mix.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Solo - Piano. Two black limousines slowly approach the designated meeting point as the steam from the subway rises in the night. Hip percussion track drives a cool jazzy piano. Full Mix.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Solo - Piano. That uneasy feeling overwhelms as you step slowly down the hall not knowing what lies just around the corner. Dramatic piano accompanied by cello and oboe. Full Mix.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Solo - Piano. Soothing tones remind her of of the good times past and that there is much to look forward to. Soft strings and woodwind cradle reassuring piano. Full Mix.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Solo - Piano. Visions are distorted by heat rising off the desert floor as our hero stares at the dark red sunset wondering if he's going to live to see morning. Thick low synth pads envelope stark piano. Full Mix.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Solo - Piano. Lingering thoughts of a love long lost, the good times together... and the bad. Stark high piano flows to a reassuring resolve accompanied by flute. Full Mix.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Solo - Piano. Standing on a bluff overlooking the ocean on a cold overcast afternoon. A slightly bluesy feel, piano accompanied by stand up bass. Full Mix.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Production Elements - Piano. Piano stinger. Solo Piano.
Genres: Sound Effects , Pianos
Description: Production Elements - Piano. Piano stinger. Solo Piano.