Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: Male spoken voice recording
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: Voice Human Crowd Boo Shout Small Crowd Booing, Center Perspective, Sanken Co100K
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: Voice Human Crowd Whisper Talk Walla Crowd Whispering, Center Perspective, Sanken Co100K
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: Voice Pair Male Female Walla Argue Argument Quarrel Fight Scream Shout Man And Woman Arguing, Screaming, Distant
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: delay, robotic, alien, demon, speak, electronic
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: voice, robot, psychedelic, surreal, space
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: Voice Male Comic High Mumble Man With A Comically High Voice Mumbling
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: Voice Group Scream Shout Attack Group Screaming Aggressively, Center Perspective, Sanken Co100K
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: Voice Child Kid Laugh Child Laughing
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice
Description: Voice Female Exert Strain Moan Breathe Woman Moaning Strainedly, Close