Description: Medium Audience: Movement In Seats Theaters & Cinemas

Description: Crowd,Highschool Grad,Auditorium,Large,Idle,Chatter 2

Description: Large Indoor Stadium Crowd: Steady Ambience Arenas & Stadiums

Description: Native Americans, Indians, Singing, Dancing, Drums, Ritual, Music, Usa; Digiffects; Choral Music & Music With Voices

Description: Crowd Cheering, Oh For Missed Goal Cheering Large Outdoor Crowds;Stadium & Arena Crowds

Description: Beach live ambience, 50+ people, family, children playing at the beach & in the water, splashing, stereo.

Description: Medium Party Crowd: Rowdy Laughter And Cheers Excited, Surprised, Amazed & Positive Crowds

Description: Native American, Quiet Village, Walla, Farm, Rural & Countryside Ambiences

Description: Large Crowd, Kids Playing In Schoolyard Ambience, Playground Schools & Playgrounds

Sound Effects by Category