Description: Mantle Clock, Antique 1912 Seth Thomas, CU Mechanical Tick Tock, Constant, Timer Click, Countdown

Description: Clock Ticks, Large and Small, Slow and Dry, Gradual Increase in Speed, Reverberant, Builds to Manic Ticking By End

Description: Mantle Clock, Antique 1912 Seth Thomas, CU Mechanical Tick Tock, Constant, Timer Click, Countdown

Description: Mantle Clock, Antique 1912 Seth Thomas, CU Mechanical Tick Tock, Constant, Timer Click, Countdown

Description: Mantle Clock, Antique 1912 Seth Thomas, CU Mechanical Tick Tock, Constant, Timer Click, Countdown

Description: Pocket Watch, Constant Ticking CU, Swiss, Clock, Timer, Countdown

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