Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Mantle 11 Strike
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Large Outdoor 01
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Hits Weird
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Mantle 07 Chimes
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Large Outdoor 12
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Grandfather 12 Chimes 01
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Grandfather Tks 12 Chimes
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Shop, at 12 OClock Noon, Mechanical Ticking, Chimes, Bells and Gongs Going Off Everywhere, Ambience, Midnight
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Clock Chimes Children
Genres: Sound Effects , Chime
Description: Mantle Clock, 1912 Seth Thomas, Wind Clock, Wind the Chime Striker, Mechanical Clicking