Description: Foley Footsteps Cows & Bulls

Description: Foley Footsteps Cows & Bulls

Description: Foley Footsteps, Slow Walk, Stop Cows & Bulls

Description: In Chute, Footsteps, Clatter, Cowbell Clank, Blowing And Snorting, Kicks, Walla, Ambience Cows & Bulls

Description: In Chute, Footsteps, Clatter, Cowbell Clank, Blowing And Snorting, Kicks, Walla, Ambience Cows & Bulls

Description: Groaning, Processed Cows & Bulls

Description: In Stall With Bell Movement, Movement, Room Tone, Walla Cows & Bulls

Description: Growl-Like Bellows Cows & Bulls

Description: Bray-Like Bellows With Moan Cows & Bulls

Description: Bray-Like Bellows Cows & Bulls

Sound Effects by Category