Description: Drama-Human Emotions, Drama, Cinema, Relaxed, Reflective, Sentimental, Surreal, Peaceful, Pleasant, Positive, Mellow, Poignant, in a Sensitive, Poignant mood, featuring Guitar, Acoustic, Percussion, with a Mid tempo

Description: Solo piano track full of reflection, tenderness and warmth.

Description: A tender, warm, intimate, pretty, moving and heartfelt cue. The B Version adds an acoustic guitar part.

Description: Drama, Reflective, Delicate, Expressive, Tender, Sentimental, Melodrama, Cold, Dreary, Sparse, Sad, Retrospective, Introspective, Poignant, Passionate, Melancholy, Mellow, in a Emotional, Poignant, Reflective, Sad, Sensitive mood, featuring Piano, with a Slow tempo

Description: Solo piano track full of reflection, tenderness and warmth.

Description: Haunting, serious rock guitar solo, mysterioso organ, bass accented beat

Description: Drama, Drama-Suspense, Drama-Tension, Drama-Horror, Anticipation, Atmospheric, Dangerous, Dreary, Pensive, Ominous, Mysterious, Horror, Tension, Suspense, in a Mysterious, Scary mood, featuring Synth, Strings, Drums, Hi Hat, with a Slow tempo

Description: Solo piano cue that is folky, flowing and sad.

Description: Rock Guitar Solo, Hypnotic beat

Description: Cinema, Drama, Light, Peaceful, Poignant, Relaxed, Sentimental, Uplifting, Happy, Heavenly, in a Sensitive, Poignant mood, featuring Piano, Synth, with a Slow tempo

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