Description: Rock, Moody, Repetitive, Serious, in a Reflective mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, with a Slow tempo

Description: Rock, Cheery, Carefree, Fun, Pulsing, in a Happy, Fun mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, Synth, with a Mid, Fast tempo

Description: Rock, Carefree, Cheery, Pulsing, Fun, Active, in a Fun, Happy mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, Synth, with a Mid, Fast tempo

Description: Rock, Fun, Repetitive, Light, in a Playful mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, with a Slow tempo

Description: Rock, Fun, Repetitive, Light, in a Playful mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, with a Slow tempo

Description: Rock, Repetitive, Explosive, Fun, in a Fun, Happy mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, with a Mid, Fast tempo

Description: Rock, Repetitive, Fun, Explosive, in a Fun, Happy mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, with a Mid, Fast tempo

Description: Rock, Repetitive, Explosive, Fun, in a Fun, Happy mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, with a Mid, Fast tempo

Description: Rock, Drama, Drama-Human Emotions, Expressive, Positive, Poignant, Building, in a Poignant, Positive, Reflective mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, Piano, Strings, with a Slow tempo

Description: Drama, Drama-Human Emotions, Poignant, Positive, Expressive, in a Poignant, Positive mood, featuring Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Acoustic, with a Slow tempo