Description: Please enjoy the relaxation and warm textures, Tibet transcendental meditation bells, singing bowl, spiritual choir, wind chimes, and dynamic metaphysical feelings. This piece has a meditative airy space with calming serene gentle lows and dynamic uplifting spirited highs that give psychological renewal and a calm inner peace. This ambient music sound scape is a great companion for positive thinking, voice overs, poetry, meditation, reiki, yoga, or spa therapy.

Description: Simple joyful emotional and motivational track. The moment of truth, the moment of love, a moment of happiness. In this music, no complex elements. It's simple and delicious. A few chords with every conduct are played in different arrangements.

Description: you are in the clouds flying with the angels. you dream that you are soaring in the sky. perfect to illustrate a contemplative moment full of serenity. the choir and the solo voices give this piece a magical moment.

Description: A calm piece of music perfect for meditation, yoga, spa, massage, salons, relaxing and spiritual sessions. All instruments tuned to 432Hz, frequency believed to be synchronised with that of nature sounds.

Description: Life - is canvas... OSHO The music listening can produce a subtle trance-like state in certain individual. This music can evoke a "continuum of spatial imagery and emotion," which can be beneficial for introspection, and for developing, through a practice of deep listening, an awareness...

Description: Music to achieve a deep state of relaxation. It causes a feeling of inner peace and joy, relieves accumulated stress, strengthens the nervous system and body as a whole. The music listening can produce a subtle trance-like state in certain individual

Description: Emotional deep composition with three parts in it. Think about this music like dialogue with something not known for you, maybe this is space, maybe this is God The music listening can produce a subtle trance-like state in certain individual

Description: Emotional composition with a lot of music forms. Noisy didgeridoo will bring out your mind deeper and deeper, listen only count and nothing more." The music listening can produce a subtle trance-like state in certain individual

Description: Repetitive, mesmerizing and beautiful meditation music for relaxation, totally chilling out, no worries or cares. Enjoy a mysterious, exotic tale about civilization and the creation of Lamps. The music listening can produce a subtle trance-like state and melt away your problems & enhance relaxation

Description: Please enjoy the relaxation and warm textures, Tibet transcendental meditation bells, singing bowl, spiritual choir, wind chimes, and dynamic metaphysical feelings. This piece has a meditative airy space with calming serene gentle lows and dynamic uplifting spirited highs that give psychological renewal and a calm inner peace. This ambient music sound scape is a great companion for positive thinking, voice overs, poetry, meditation, reiki, yoga, or spa therapy.