Description: A seductive smooth jazz theme featuring Fender Rhodes, synth pads, bass, and drums. Version - 30 Second

Description: Low bass and percussion bring about disquiet and fright, while the furtive entrance of electric guitar at :20 brings paranoid thoughts of an invisible stalker. Version - 30 Second

Description: Toms and brass dominate this orchestral track with vocal accents. Choral punctuation is such that an oppressive sensation of demonic pursuit is palpable and a reckless hurry can bring no escape. Version - 30 Second

Description: Begins with a rush of drums and soon employs a full orchestra. Suggests the experience of active pursuit and a headlong rush to escape malevolent powers. Version - 30 Second

Description: Relentless low bass accompanied by a ghostly piano part gives this track an atmosphere of lurking dread. Sparse percussion contributes to the sinister tone. Version - 30 Second

Description: Pizzicato orchestral strings start this track with an imprint of anxiety with brass instruments and sustained strings in at :21. Their gradual rise in pitch brings a rise in the notion of immediate peril. Rapid high hat in at 1:03. Version - 30 Second

Description: Lower strings provide musical movement, while upper strings prolong a feeling of eeriness and unease. The flute's entrance at :26 adds mystery to the tone, and sparse but energetic low brass infuse the track with a sense of unrelenting menace beginning at :51. . Version - 30 Second

Description: Quickly moving marimba accented with sparse toms and the gradual addition of sustained strings and low brass punches. This piece builds to a feeling of accelerated forward movement. Version - 30 Second

Description: Staccato low brass backed by quick, repetitive high hat. Introduction of upper brass at 1:05 increases the urgency, and the stillness reached by 1:17 brings a resolution to this track. Version - 30 Second

Description: Rapid fire treble piano punctuated by snare rolls give this piece a purposeful edge. The hero's business of executing an elaborate life-saving plan requires the kind of focus reflected here. Version - 30 Second