Description: Instrumental full band dubstep song with synth rhythm lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of got to jump into action.

Description: Instrumental full band pop rock song with elect guitar lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of going to face the bully.

Description: Instrumental full band easy listening song with tin whistle lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of fun calm old fashion train ride.

Description: Instrumental full band dubstep song with synth rhythm lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of entering a kids fairy tail.

Description: Instrumental full band jazz song with horn section lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of confident going to ace test.

Description: instrumental full band easy listening song with electric guitar lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of clear the mind to start stress free day.

Description: Instrumental full band easy listening song with elect guitar lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of caught in own web of lies.

Description: Instrumental full band pop rock song with electric lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of vision of making the team.

Description: Instrumental full band pop rock song with electric guitar lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of kids angry march time.

Description: Instrumental full band pop rock song with electric guitar lead recorded in studio by award-winning musicians and producer with the music feel of jam packed filled day.

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