Genres: Sound Effects , Alarm Clock
Description: old wind-up alarm clock ticking
Genres: Sound Effects , Household Doorbell
Description: electric ding-dong of a door bell
Genres: Sound Effects , Nature Scenes
Description: farm ambience with cowbells and cockcrows
Genres: Sound Effects , Nature Scenes
Description: nature night ambience with crickets
Genres: Sound Effects , Natural Ambience Sounds
Description: something is rustling in the bushes
Genres: Sound Effects , Transport and Vehicles
Description: car approaching on concrete turning off engine
Genres: Sound Effects , Nature Scenes
Description: nature night ambience with crickets
Genres: Sound Effects , Restaurant
Description: german party ambience, people talking
Genres: Sound Effects , Technology Camera
Description: movement sounds of an electronic camera lens
Genres: Sound Effects , Mouse Clicks
Description: clicking, moving, scrolling with a computer mouse