Genres: Sound Effects , Announcers
Description: Male voice announcing "Game Over"
Description: Male voice counting down from 3 to 1 and saying go
Description: Soft, slow guitar piece that slowly builds with beat and pads.
Genres: Royalty Free Music , Drama
Description: Simple, gentle and enjoyable intro theme.
Genres: Sound Effects , Announcers
Description: Male announcer voice saying "Coming Soon"
Genres: Royalty Free Music , Cool Jazz
Description: Smooth, slow jazz with strong detective theme.
Description: Earth-shuddering ethnic action track with tribal drums and dirty, dark bassline
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Sexy
Description: male voice, oh yeah, sexual tone
Description: Beautiful, upbeat and strong dance track with progressive structure and pounding beat. Remniscent of holidays and sunshine.
Genres: Sound Effects , Announcers
Description: Male announcer voice saying "Ladies and Gentlemen" with stadium ambience