Genres: Sound Effects , Burps and Farts
Description: This sound effect (SFX) pack contains five variations of a male burping or belching loudly. These mid/side stereo recordings can be converted to mono without phase problems.
Genres: Sound Effects , Amusement and Games
Description: Sound effect recording of a buzzer - great for wrong answers / incorrect answers, game shows, timers running out, alarms, warnings, sports, etc.
Genres: Sound Effects , Object Sounds
Description: Five unique variations of a bubble popping stereo sound effect recording. This mid/side stereo recording can be converted to mono without phase problems.
Genres: Sound Effects , Water - Oceans and Seas
Description: Loop-ready stereo sound effect recording of sea waves crashing into the beach. This mid/side stereo recording can be converted to mono without phase problems.
Genres: Sound Effects , Radios
Description: Sound effect recording of scanning along the radio dial as stations try to crackle through static and fuzz. Loop ready.
Genres: Sound Effects , Turntables
Description: Sound effect of a DJ or disc jockey scratching a record back and forth on a turntable.
Genres: Sound Effects , Radios
Description: Loop ready sound effect recording of a radio without reception, only static, fuzz, and hiss. Also works for TV or television static or bad reception.
Genres: Sound Effects , Guns and Weapons Miscellaneous
Description: Sound effect recording of a gun being fired.
Genres: Sound Effects , Nature and Weather
Description: Loop ready stereo sound effect recording of winter wind blowing through the woods or a forest. Snow and ice can be heard falling through the trees and branches. This mid/side stereo recording can be converted to mono without phase problems.
Genres: Sound Effects , Video Games / General Gaming Sounds
Description: Sound effect of getting hit, damage being sustained or inflicted in a video game type environment.