Description: Stereo sound effect recording of a gun shot.

Description: Stereo sound effect or atmosphere /ambience recording of rolling thunder rumbling and cracking. This mid/side stereo recording can be converted to mono without phase problems.

Description: Sound effect recording of fast forwarding or rewinding. Great SFX for moving forward or backward through time.

Description: Sound effect recording of a young goat or kid baaing or bleating loudly. Baaaaa.

Description: Loop ready sound effect recording of footsteps crunching as someone runs through the snow.

Description: Loop ready stereo sound effect recording of a cell phone vibrating as it receives an incoming call while on silent or vibrate mode.

Description: Sound effect recording of a record player needle scratching across the surface of a vinyl record.

Description: Sound effect recording of a cell phone or mobile phone vibrating as it receives a text message or other type of notification or alert.

Description: Retro style video game sound effect of a block breaking or being smashed. Also a great damage impact sound.

Description: Sound effect recording of a hockey player skating on a rink in an indoor hockey arena. Many fast starts, stops, and turns as he carves up the ice. Clean, isolated recording without the hum of the arena lights and HVAC.

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