Genres: Sound Effects , Record Scratch
Description: Record Scratches Vinyl - Various record needle scratches and moves
Genres: Sound Effects , Cash Registers
Description: Cash Register 1920 - Ringing up - money in and out - till closed
Genres: Sound Effects , Ocean
Description: Ocean Sea Medium Surf onto Pebble Beach 1 - ideal for relaxation
Genres: Sound Effects , Rain
Description: Rain on Pavement - Last 70 secs much heavier
Description: Whooshes - Various large whooshes - good for sword swing etc
Genres: Sound Effects , Road Work
Description: Prisoners breaking rocks with picks and shovels - roadside gang - grunts and moans
Genres: Sound Effects , Urinating
Description: Pissing on Dirt - Taking a leak outside a bar - had to be recorded
Genres: Sound Effects , Squeaks
Description: Springs Squeaking Bouncing on Bed - Various rhythmic springs squeaking
Genres: Sound Effects , Musical Miscellaneous
Description: Ice Cream Van Music - Blue Danube
Genres: Sound Effects , Typewriters
Description: Typewriter Old 1920s - Typing with carriage moves