Genres: Sound Effects , Clunks
Description: Brick wall tumbling to the floor.
Genres: Sound Effects , Magical
Description: Heavenly angelic breathy transition.
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: A pack of sounds of a bag of coins being slammed down and snatched. This is useful for many productions such as fantasy or platform games.
Genres: Sound Effects , Train
Description: Steam engine whistle with tunnel ambiance.
Genres: Sound Effects , Cameras
Description: Bleeping and rapid clicking sound of SLR automatic digital camera shutter
Genres: Sound Effects , Cartoon Musical
Description: Cartoon trumpet wah wa wa sound for dissapointment.
Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Groups
Description: Group voices shouting Surprise Cheers and Hooray.
Genres: Sound Effects , Yee haws
Description: Man shouting Yeah-ha with fanfare, crowd shouts, applause, coins falling and fireworks.
Genres: Sound Effects , Bomb
Description: Realistic and terrifying sound from inside a building of a bomb explosion causing severe damage.
Genres: Sound Effects , Creatures
Description: Knight slaying a dragon with a sword