Description: Window Shade Roll Up Rapidly & Fast Flap At End Version 1.

Description: Thud' Type Impact with Quick Metal Twang ( I.e. Hit Bed Or Sofa & Spring Pops Out ) .

Description: IMPACTS & CRASHES - ROCKS & SAND ROCK: EXT: Dragging rock in jerks & falls into place, close up, deep low end.

Description: Rough Metallic, Scrape, Metal Bonk with Slip, Body Fall & Gourd Rattle. ( I.e. Saw Scrapes On Rear End, Lift & Hit Head, Fall Then Shake Head ) .

Description: Heavy Bonk with Bass Drum & Cymbal ( I.e. Run Into Tree ) .

Description: Individual Metallic Cans Falling Onto Floor with Some Light Rolling ( I.e. Bump Into Display At Grocery Store.

Description: Explosive Rock Breakup, Cracks And Debris.

Description: Bulb Horn Honk, Small Metallic Bonk, 'thppp' & Hollow Boop ( I.e. Fall & Tumble ) .

Description: Boots Running Down Stairs.

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