Genres: Sound Effects , Voice Prompts Occasions
Description: Santa Clause laughs (Ho, ho, ho), and says "Merry Christmas." Four takes.
Genres: Sound Effects , Foley Miscellaneous
Description: fabric (clothing) being dropped on a floor or bed.
Genres: Sound Effects , Percussion
Description: a single kick drum with lots of reverb.
Genres: Sound Effects , Door General
Description: heavy inside door slams shut with a light touch of reverb.
Genres: Sound Effects , Door General
Description: inside door closing with hammer click.
Genres: Sound Effects , Footsteps
Description: slow footsteps on carpet or other soft material/fabric. slight shuffle.
Genres: Sound Effects , Door General
Description: inside door knob opening.
Genres: Sound Effects , Foley Miscellaneous
Description: car seatbelt closing.
Genres: Sound Effects , Swish
Description: quick and airy.
Genres: Royalty Free Music , Corporate
Description: A light-hearted, friendly track featuring an acoustic guitar lead, intended for music beds or backgrounds. 35 seconds in length, and easy to loop because there's no intro; the track starts right on the downbeat. Other instruments include a classic grand piano, smooth bass guitar, subdued string section, acoustic rhythm guitar, and a ballad-type drum kit. 115 bpm