Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins handled in cash register drawer, with a slight clatter
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins sliding between fingers
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins held and moved in one hand
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins held and moved in one hand
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: A few coins are dropped on a table with a hard laminate top
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins dropped on each other in plastic container
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins dropped in cash register drawer, clattering briefly on other coins
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: 1 dollar bill/bank note being counted or handled swiftly
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: 1 dollar bill/bank note being counted or handled in a relaxed way
Genres: Sound Effects , Production Element Noise
Description: Electronic hum or buzz, around 50 Hz frequency