Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Several coins dropped in cash register drawer
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: 1 coin dropped in hand, clattering briefly on another
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins poured into hand with determination
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coin dropped on table, spinning briefly, then being picked up with a brief sliding sound
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: 3 dollar bills/bank notes counted swiftly in hand
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Dollar bills/bank notes crumpled slowly in hand
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins spinning on table for several seconds
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coin dropped on table spinning briefly
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins pulled or slid off table with a dry sound
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins handled in cash register drawer