Genres: Sound Effects , HVAC
Description: Small ventilation fan with bad bearings and a grating sound
Genres: Sound Effects , Exteriors
Description: Church bells ringing loud, then slowly decreasing in volume, with urban ambience
Genres: Sound Effects , Plastic
Description: Crumpling sound and fiddling and clacking noises
Genres: Sound Effects , Switches
Description: Plastic button pressed, with hard, snappy sound.
Genres: Sound Effects , Exteriors
Description: Port background with a rumbling ship sound, urban sounds, sirens and traffic in background
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins pulled or slid off table in a patient way
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Coins poured slowly into hand
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: Several coins poured from hand to hand
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: 2 coins dropped in cash register drawer, clattering twice on other coins
Genres: Sound Effects , Coins
Description: 4 coins dropped or counted in hand