Genres: Sound Effects , Insect
Description: Cricket: single-very close up.
Genres: Sound Effects , Crowd Sounds Miscellaneous
Description: Crowd: approving.
Genres: Sound Effects , Ambience Urban
Description: Bank: ambience.
Genres: Sound Effects , Police
Description: Riot: breaking out with police.
Genres: Sound Effects , Rain and Storm
Description: Rain: heavy on porch.
Genres: Sound Effects , Cats
Description: Cat: meow #1.
Genres: Sound Effects , Can
Description: Can (soda): pour.
Genres: Sound Effects , Horse
Description: Horses: Slow trotting.
Genres: Sound Effects , Household Miscellaneous
Description: Champagne: pouring.
Genres: Sound Effects , Industrial Machine
Description: Park (city): children, birds, traffic in background.