Description: Pasture Field, birds singing, insects, crickets, flies, bg quiet breeze-a

Description: Street, City Centre, Rio de Janeiro, cars honking bg pedestrians

Description: Battery Samba School, and clangour Row of Boxes, Deaf, and Pandeiro, rattle-d

Description: hypermarket purchasers making purchases carts female voice announcement

Description: hypermarket sector salted purchasers movement bg voices hubbub generator

Description: Avenue Rio Branco, forward Ed Av Central Point, Bus, Vehicles, Pedestrians, Street Vendors

Description: Pool Filter, Motor running, super close, Machinery Room-a

Description: Pool Filter, Engine works, super close, Machinery Room

Description: Pool Filter, Engine works, middle distance, Machinery Room

Description: Battery Samba School, and clangour Row of Boxes, Deaf, and Pandeiro, rattles-f

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