Description: Whip Whooshes, Mix; Multiple Fast Light Whip Swishes Building To Cracks Against Ground, Exterior. - Air Swish.

Description: Shotgun Fire Various 5 Shots.

Description: Axe Chop Into Wood Sloppy Impact, Wood Rattles Around.

Description: Axe Chop Into Wood No Tear.

Description: Whip Whoosh With Light Cracks; Circular Whip Swish And Reverberant Crack. - Air Swish.

Description: Tomahawk: Impacts ( 2x ); Two Heavy, Wet Swing / Impacts With Blood Splats. Close Perspective. Ax, Hatchet.

Description: Whip, Whirls & Whooshes 2.

Description: Whip, Whirls & Whooshes 4.

Description: Sword Shing 1; Sword Edges Run Against Each Other.

Sound Effects by Category