Description: Sword: Swish ( 3x ); Three Quick, Low Pitched Whooshes For Sword Swings. Close Perspective.

Description: Sword: Multiple Swish; About Eleven Nonstop Swishes From Rapidly Swinging Sword Back And Forth. Close Perspective. Whoosh.

Description: Logs Splitting With Ax x8.

Description: Tear Gas Canister Hits Metal Floor And Rolls, X2.

Description: Tear Gas Canister Hits Metal Floor And Rolls, X2.

Description: Tomahawk Throw: Impacts Wood; Deep, Low Pitched Whoomp As Ax Flies Through Air Then Sharp Wooden Crack And Debris Fall As Tomahawk Hits Target. Medium Perspective. Ax, Hatchet.

Description: Whip, Whirls & Whooshes 1.

Description: Battle simulation with rapid fire weapons and jet and helicopter flybys. Weapons, Gunfire Bombs, War Battle, Military.

Description: Sword: Remove From Sheath; Light Metal Clangs And A Shing With Ring Off Of Sword Being Drawn Incrementally. Medium Perspective.

Description: Whip Swish Cracks 03; Single Reverberant Whip Swish And Crack. - Air Swish.

Sound Effects by Category