Description: Rap, Urban, Rap-Gangsta, Urban-Rap, Groovy, Electronic, Repetitive, Contemporary, Urban, Serious, Old School, Moody, in a Aggressive mood, featuring Drums, Bass, Vocals, Male, Record Scratch, Synth, with a Mid tempo

Description: Rap, Urban, Rap-Gangsta, Urban-Rap, Electronic, Repetitive, Contemporary, Dramatic, Old School, Bad, Dark, Dangerous, Heavy, Urban, Tension, Struttin, Pulsing, in a Mysterious mood, featuring Drums, Bass, Electronic, Guitar, Electric, Synth, with a Fast, Mid tempo

Description: Rap, Rap-Old School, Urban, Urban-Hip Hop, Driving, Heavy, Groovy, Aggressive, Cold, in a Adventurous, Aggressive, Energetic, Fun mood, featuring Drums, Guitar, Electric, Synth, with a Fast tempo

Description: Rap, Rap-Old School, Urban, Urban-Hip Hop, Urban-Rap, Historic, Historic-1980'S, Bump & Grind, Urban, in a Adventurous, Fun mood, featuring Drums, Electronic, Synth, with a Mid tempo

Description: Rock, Rock-1980'S, Rap, Rap-Old School, Urban, Urban-Rap, Technological, Electronic, Repetitive, Mechanical, Percussive, in a Confident mood, featuring Drums, Machine, Synth, with a Mid tempo

Description: Rap, Rap-Old School, Urban, Urban-Hip Hop, Urban-Rap, Historic, Historic-1980'S, Fun, Funky, Groovy, in a Mysterious, Exciting, Energetic, Fun, Confident mood, featuring Sax, Drums, Electronic, Synth, with a Mid tempo

Description: Urban, Rap, Rap-Old School, Urban-Hip Hop, Urban-Rap, Urban, Groovy, Funky, Bump & Grind, Bouncy, Old School, in a Mysterious, Confident mood, featuring Synth, Drums, with a Fast tempo

Description: Urban, Rap, Rap-Old School, Urban-Rap, Historic, Historic-1980'S, Funky, Groovy, Urban, Driving, Bump & Grind, in a Exciting, Energetic, Confident, Fun mood, featuring Bass, Drums, Electronic, Synth, with a Fast tempo

Description: Rap, Rap-Old School, Urban, Urban-Rap, Historic, Historic-1980'S, Urban, Groovy, Funky, Bouncy, Automated, in a Energetic, Fun, Exciting mood, featuring Drums, Electronic, Synth, with a Fast tempo

Description: Urban, Rap, Urban-Rap, Urban, Funky, Groovy, Bump & Grind, Automated, Old School, Repetitive, in a Confident mood, featuring Drums, Machine, Bass, with a Fast tempo