Genres: Sound Effects , Guns and Weapons

Description: Flag raising 2.

Genres: Sound Effects , Guns and Weapons

Description: Machine gun.

by free-sound-effects-gun | wav | 0:18 |

Genres: Sound Effects , Guns and Weapons

Description: Taps 2.

Genres: Sound Effects , Guns and Weapons

Description: Rocket firing.

Genres: Sound Effects , Guns and Weapons

Description: Flag raising 1.

Description: Bugle, bugling, bugle plays, bugle playing.

Genres: Sound Effects , Guns and Weapons

Description: Battle sounds.

Description: Maverick missle approach and impact.

Description: F16 Falcon fire Maverick missle at ground target.

Genres: Sound Effects , Guns and Weapons

Description: Massacre 1.

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