Description: Cow mechanical milking compressor hose tits cowboy putting nipples air to escape close bg cows voices hubbub stables environment ranch

Description: Cows mechanical milking 4 cows compressor bg voices cowboys stables environment ranch

Description: Bulls stable close busy buffa cowboy hits the picket line face of bg incomprehensible voices cowboys steer bg birds insects

Description: Cow barn, general atmosphere with clanking stalls, mooing & shitting.

Description: Cows mechanical milking 4 cows compressor bg voices hubbub stables environment ranch

Description: Wide stereo recording of cows grazing in pasture. Birds and other nature sounds are also present.

Description: Cows mechanical milking 4 cows compressor bg stables environment ranch cowboys and voices hubbub from next door

Description: Wide stereo recording of cows grazing in pasture. Birds and other nature sounds are also present.

Description: Herd Mooing, Branding, Hurt Moos Cows & Bulls

Description: Cows mechanical milking 4 cows compressor site bg stables environment voices cowboys and child

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